Thursday, January 15, 2009

Come on Congress... "Get a pair!"

Here's the real stimulus deal:

Pump a Trillion Dollars a week into the economy for 100 weeks. In only two years, a miraculous recovery of all economic sectors is certain. Banks will again sell for hundreds of dollars a share; auto plants will be running 24/7 just to meet demand; and housing prices will not only recover, but reach undreamed of heights.

As luck would have it, mega-stimulus believers are running Washington DC at this very moment. But let's encourage them to avoid continuing the present piecemeal approach, and just get the job done in one fell swoop. I mean... just get a pair and DO IT! It's only money, geesh... American want a decisive end to this economic downturn, and a Trillion Dollars a week will do the trick. We can have our cake and eat it too, if they'd just do the deal: One Hundred Trillion or Bust! The change we need!

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